90 Day Year™ Review

Above: 90 Day Year™ Review –  Video 

UPDATE MAY 30, 2018: After you get on the #90DY waitlist you can jump get some advanced info from the 5 Stages of Business and hear testimonials from other 90 Day Year Alumna. Click here to find my most recent review of the 90 Day Year 

My 90 Day Year™ Program Experience

Since the 90 Day Year Program™ periodically opens to enrollment for a short time, I wanted to get more in-depth as to the benefits but let me take you through a little bit of my history so you understand where I have been and why I think the program is worth the investment of your time and energy.

Cyber-Jungle Trailblazing
Because I have been online since 1995 (when I launched an Internet magazine) I have “been there, done that” when it comes to most online activities. When I lost my web designer and later my graphic artist, I hunkered down and bought the software needed, enrolled in programs to get additional skills and learned to manage it myself. At the time, it was hard to find people who had the skill sets needed but turns out that is also an entrepreneurial habit–take on tasks that could be assigned elsewhere.

Today the Internet is changing at lightning speed, and as the global economy expands, a whole new set of challenges face the small business owner and entrepreneur. It really is almost impossible to keep up and it doesn’t serve a business for the owner to try and do it all.

Like many entrepreneurs–I am talented and tend to tackle things when needed but I found over my years on the web, that despite training courses (even certifications), expert advice and coaching, it seemed that only a few people ended up reaping the benefits. It was frustrating to find that although I followed and implemented what I was taught, it simply wasn’t working for me.

Now as the cyber-jungle trailblazer, I tend to explore, spot trends early, and align myself with or watch the movers and shakers as they rise to the top. As I observed, a couple of online business owners suddenly began to go in a different direction and were moving at a fast rate. They were masterminding with other individuals and I began to see their lifestyle change as well as business growth. Getting inside their program to see what they were doing, I could see they were working smart. They then led me to Todd Herman–as it was their invitation that got me involved in the 90 Day Year.

90 day year todd herman dianalguerrero

90 Day Year™ Videos

When I watched the 90 Day Year™ introductory videos, fireworks really did go off in my head. As a second generation entrepreneur, I was taught to work hard but not smart. Todd Herman’s presentations opened my eyes to other ways of operating. I knew that if I passed the opportunity to join the program that I would regret it. Today, I find it of immense value and so am still enrolled.

There are a few benefits to getting inside the 90 Day Year™ program but I want to caution you about joining as well. Why? Because it isn’t for everyone. First, Todd Herman is a straight shooter, he won’t beat around the bush so be prepared to hear no frills advice and to work your butt off. If you are truly committed, motivated, ambitious and tired of being in the small business owner cycle of working in your business instead of on your business, then the program is truly a good fit. If that doesn’t describe you, don’t join the program. It really is as simple as that.

90 Day Year NYC 2015

Great People

However, if you want to learn how to work differently and make forward progress, I highly recommend it. Now, there are more reasons than just learning what Todd teaches. First, there are other great business people in the community. I found our group members to be filled with amazingly smart folks. This means that not only do you benefit from Todd’s experience and his coaching but you also get different perspectives from others while also having opportunities to form alliances with other business people.

Todd Herman 90 Day Year NYC 2015

Great Methods, Tools, Meetings & More

I’ve found the methods and tools of value as well. Some of the methodology isn’t new but it was new to me and presented in a manner that I could implement. The 90 Day Year™ App will help you monitor and chart progress showing also how tasks fit into your outcome goals. Also helpful is the 90 Day Year™ planner. It works as a good organizational tool, reminder and physical prompt to help keep on track. It was also exciting to attend the live event where additional training and networking happened. Outside of those, I also met other 90 Day Year™ participants both virtually and in person.

An assigned accountability partner was valuable because it was collaborative but also another touch point for keeping on track.  The accountability partner is usually another program participant that commits to making sure that you are accountable to goals and progress–and you do the same for them. It has been really useful to have that connection and to see each other move through hurdles and make forward progress in business growth.

The support sessions with Todd Herman and the private 90 Day Year™ online community are super valuable components. Even if I am not chatting directly with Todd in a session, someone inevitably asks a question about a challenge I am tackling or facing. The synchronicity within the program is something that comes as no surprise and served as an indicator that I made a good choice and was in the right place at the right time.


My 90 Day Year™ Results

Over the time I have been involved in the 90 Day Year™ program I have learned a number of things. The first was that I had a broken sales funnel which was one of the reasons I was not seeing steady growth. I simply was on the traditional business treadmill and experiencing the ups and downs common with other business owners who are busy working in their businesses. I also had to many different types of offers and services, today I have omitted all but the ones that fit in with my long-term goals.


Additionally, I discovered my messaging wasn’t clear and finally found a better way to communicate what I do and how it helps. The biggest hurdle was that I moving through some personal challenges (illness), so my progress was slow but steady. The end result? My business growth is strongly at a 48% increase in business over last year with an additional 5% from misc., income sources. In fact, when I review the year, I can directly correlated the momentum based on the activities and actions taken during each 90 Day Year™ segment. Finally, I am excited to have identified other business people with whom I want to forge better relationships and collaborative efforts that will support our clients and customers while letting each of us deliver our best.

Today my life has changed significantly. I have changed my business offers and focus, learned how to test and move on quickly rather than invest too much time and energy into projects that might not pan out. I think and work differently and learned to track what works and evaluate faster. 2016 is exciting because I am ready to move toward the next phase of business growth.

On a personal level, my quality of life has improved drastically. In November I finally finished a relocation and now live in the seaside resort of my dreams. I also lead a more balanced life instead of just working all the time and stressing over business.

Overall, I am pleased with my experiences within the 90 Day Year™ and encourage you to get on the wait list for Todd Herman’s 90 Day Year™ videos. Then, if it sounds like something that is a fit for your business join–and if you do, make sure you connect with me and keep me posted on your progress.

BTW I partnered with Todd Herman to promote the 90 Day Year™ program. It won’t cost you any more but just means if you click through my link and then decide to purchase that I’ll get a commission.

Todd Herman - 90 Day Year

For a short time you can view Todd Herman’s 90 Day Year™ videos for free and catch him on a live webinar.

Don’t miss the videos while there are live. Here are the links for ease of access:

If you want to join, the program opens only a couple of times a year and private coaching sells out fast so click here to enroll in 90 Day Year™or if you missed this round, grab the 90 Day Year™ Playbook™ for a short time.


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